Sunday 20 July 2014

Devin Castle

We had been out at the festival the afternoon and evening before, I was sporting a hangover that sapped my energy, I was feeling a fair degree of nausea too.

Noriko wanted to go to Devin Castle, so we wandered down the hill from Hrad Castle and into the bus station for the ride out to the small village of Devin.

We started with a walk around the waterway at the base of the castle, the hard flowing Danube River made hard work for any vessels having to steam against the current.

The ruins of the castle made for interesting viewing on the grassy hillside, the surrounding village was viewed from one side, the Danube River from another position and the fields from another.

The castle was under restoration, some parts were off-limits, there was plenty to view with good information offered at strategic locations.

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