Thursday 3 July 2014

Hungarian hassles

An accommodation booking through should be an easy transaction, boy did I get that one wrong. We were sent a map setting out directions of how to get to the property, followed that exactly and ended up outside a locked door leading into the courtyard of a series of apartments. No amount of pushing buttons and asking directions was useful, we were in a real bind. Whilst standing close to the doorway leading in, I was able to pick up an unsecured WiFi firing an email off to the owner, no reply was received.

We were supposed to receive an email giving us the address of the property, the map was incorrect. This email was also to spell out the codes to get in through the door and the location of the hidden door key. I harrassed this young French couple to help us, they tried but were none the wiser than us to where this property was or how to connect without a mobile phone.

Instead, we walked around trying to get the place organised, that was sinking fast and instead we tried to make a phone call using local payphones as we did not have a mobile phone account. Fortunately, this guy saw our frustration at the payphone not working and rang the number for us giving us the access codes, five hours later and we were in our studio apartment. If they send an email and receive no reply, it should be given that the mail was not received for any reason and a follow up is required.

Strangely, the property owner sent plenty of emails requiring cash payment, every one of those got through. What is the chance he really didn't send the mail as he forgot?

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