Tuesday 22 July 2014

The scourge of Europe

The scourge of Europe isn't immigration, although that is an issue worth debating, it isn't the rise of Islam in the Christian continent, nor is it the threat of socialism anymore. It is cigarette butts littering the streets, paths, footpaths and parks of Europe. Washing into drains, finding its way into the waterways, rivers, lakes and eventually the seas of Europe.

They are everywhere, it is disgusting,  they are not only an eyesore, the environmental damage is widely felt too getting into foodchains and taking long periods of time to break down. Why don't the authorities clampdown on such blatent littering? Surely it would be financially possible to do so, empower police, train station personnel, council workers and other governmental staff to issue on-the-spot fines for perpetrators,  no need to go to court to challenge, just pay the fine at an appropriate government office.

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