Saturday 10 May 2014

Cleopatra's Swimming Pool

I was backpacking solo through Turkey a number of years back, I saw a whole bunch of images of Cleopatra's Swimming Pool in Pamukkale - I knew I had to go.

I first backpacked through Turkey in 1997 for only two weeks, I was in London about to finish off my six month trip and return home but was unable to get a flight on British Airways for two weeks. I looked at the specials BA had on offer, I had the choice between Boston and Turkey - I made the right decision. My memory is starting to fade but I know I returned two years later in 1999 so I reckon it was then I visited Pamukkale. I remember I was catching buses all around the place and I arrived late in the day. I had my togs with me and swam amongst the fallen Roman columns in the natural spring water, I recall clearly placing my eyes close to the water's edge and viewing the water bubble and fizz - that was special.

As I recall, the pool was empty and I swam around alone - now, that was a truly amazing experience.  

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