Saturday 31 May 2014

Forex - tricky dealings

Currency exchange is a tricky business, no doubt, George Soros and his mates know this as this is how they derive their income from trading in currencies, the more witchcraft and black magic involved, the more money they make.

We were at Dubai airport in the departures area, the flight was to London and then onto Rome six hours later, we were to be spending the next two months travelling around the continent. I had just exchanged my AED for Euro, Noriko preferred USD as she thought she was be receiving a better exchange rate. I didn't have the heart to tell her USDs don't go far in Europe anymore, the Euro is now a stronger currency than the US dollar - as reflected in the exchange rate. Because we exchanged local currency at the same airport dealer, the commission is the same, sure, she gets more dollars in US currency, this is because the USD is currently weaker than the Euro. Not so long ago, the Australian dollar was also valued higher than the US dollar.

From London, we flew different flights to Rome, Noriko arrived two hours earlier than me, she had to wait by herself at the airport, those USDs didn't go far that day.

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