Friday 13 June 2014

Arriving in Venice

In Milan, we purchased train tickets less than 30 minutes before the train departure, the rail strike had been a real bummer and I was somewhat annoyed. Still, I enjoyed the trip north from Milan, the journey was somewhat improved sitting next to a young Italian hottie typing away on my tablet.

What I failed to do was check our destination and accommodation booking. I wasn't really tracking the journey on Google Maps, we pulled into Mestre where most of the train jumped out of their seats and climbed off, next station, St Lucia, Venice - yay.

Strolling out of Venice's main train station, our gaze was immediately drawn to the Grand Canal, we were here - we were living. We had already enjoyed the trip across the bridge from the mainland to  the island of Venice, plently of excitement already today.

Ok, time to find our accommodation on Venice, checking my tablet for the booking confirmation, a sense of dread swept over me, Fusina was on the mainland, we needed to get back to Mestre - bugger.

The plan was simple, jump on another train heading over the bridge stopping in Mestre, or so it seemed. Train strike, cancellations everywhere, nothing is departing - shit.

Ok, next plan, waterferry to Fusina, 48 hour pass is €30 each, as we will be in Venice a few days, wil be worth it as €7 for a single trip. After a lengthy arguement with Noriko concerning ferries, we are off to catch route 16, not working or going, now two hours have passed.

Ok, back to the start, catch bus, wrong information, wrong direction - more excitement.

Finally, bus back to Mestre rail station, underpass through station, walk around looking for a 16 bus stop. A bus drives past, number 16, but it is gone, 7.50 now, no worries, catch next one. Hang on, our bus 16 is parked just past a roundabout, running, we are on - phew. He starts the engine and we are on our way to Fusina finally.

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