Saturday 14 June 2014

Camping Fusina

We booked online at, I will be vetting places more in the future - not only is this place a pretty basic to stay, forget about getting any form of sleep. There is even a sign at the bar promoting excessive drinking and drunkenness,  profits before people.

Campiny Fusina should be avoided at all costs. People were banging our chalet, trying to get in during their drunken night in, forget about complaining, they are not interested, if they have staff or security on during the night, where were they? Maybe drinking too, or hitting on the leggless women getting around. Noriko was frightened, I was ready to start punching people, I regret paying money to stay here.

Our first night saw us wandering down the restaurant for a cheap meal. The pizza actually came really fast, we were both surprised, the service was good, all the restaurant staff were good actually, with the notable exception of the very rude barman.

A tour bus was in, we could hear the roar from the bar of young overweight women getting drunk and out of control, smashing glass and questionable language that would make a coal miner blush, that was unfortunately the order of the evening. If you are hoping to pick up drunken fatties, be here around midnight and be ready to go all night.

I was not a fan of Camping Fusina even before the drinking started, the chalet was very ordinary, WiFi wasn't included in the price whilst the location is well away from all services, the bus stop to get here takes more than a little finding, this place is right out in industrial land - great.

Beware, the last bus leaves from a stop near the train station at 8 pm, first one leaves in the morning at 8.30 and goes hourly until 10.30 before it jumps to two hourly intervals. Forget about walking here, this place is too far out of the way, not too bad if you had a vehicle - many did with campervans. We actually hitchiked in one day, bus services are sporadic at best, this was the first time Noriko hitch hiked in her life, the old Italian guy who picked us up restores my faith in humanity.

The place wasn't that clean, someone had shaved and left whiskers in the basin in the morning, when we came home in the evening at 7.30 pm, the basin had the same whishers from the morning. A washing machine costs €4, the same price for a dryer and internet costs €4 per hour. You could easily fall through the cheap stat beds if you placed uneven pressure on the mattress, I found this out the hard way a number of times slightly injuring my back. It is all about maximising profits, nothing else.

I would stay somewhere else in the future and recommend you stay away too.

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