Tuesday 10 June 2014

Milan Train Station

I had been to the Milan station on a number occasions over the past ten years, but I had never been out of the station and wandered the streets of Milan.

This trip was to change everything, we had an overnight stay in Milan before heading across to Venice - I will finally see beyond the confines of Milan Central train station.

As the train pulls into the platform, I immediately reflect on Monet's impressionist painting of Gare St Laraze. Sure, Monet's wonderful 1877 depiction of a steam locomotive bellowing thick smoke into the air as it pulls into the station is 137 years apart in time, technology and environmental efficiency - in some respects, nothing has changed, rail remains efficient mode of transport.

Once off the platforms and in the station proper, I stand in awe of the architecture, gazing towards the ceiling, this is a building of immense beauty, not just a utilitarian structure but a reflection of modern Italian style.

The cost of the ticket from Florence will soon fade in my mind, the grandeur of Milan station will remain in my memory long after I have departed Italy.

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