Tuesday 17 June 2014

St Mark's square

We packed up and left Camping Fusina on the first bus out at 8.30am, couldn't get out of there quick enough. This was the overnight stop for tour coaches, no sleep, pissed off and out in the middle of the industrial area - big mistake.

But once on Venice, it didn't matter anymore, we jumped on the watercraft and off to St Mark's square. I intentionally don't tell Noriko what to expect or where we are going exactly.

I just surprise her when we arrive - she was suitably impressed. St Mark's was busy, as expected, the line to get into the church was huge, I don't recall such a line on my first time there, I just walked straight in to view the uneven sinking floor. No time this trip, maybe in another 15 or so years on the next time around.

Wandering around the St Mark's square with backpacks on, not the normal or recommended way to view Venice. Noriko's backpack weighs 8.5kg, mine comes in at a heavier 13.5kg, somehow I am starting to cart more of her gear around.

There was plenty of very expensive restaurants, not even a good Italian coffee could entice me to part with my hard earned cash, just enjoying the ambience of my second trip to Venice, it will be all over in a matter of hours.

We couldn't stay longer than an hour, we had to start making our way back to the train station for our trip to Munich. However, I first had to search and book accommodation, that requires WiFi so we needed to find a cafe with a connection. That is expensive and we have limited time, Noriko is off looking around a shop, so a quick bite and off to board the train.

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