Monday 25 August 2014

Barcelona water fountains

We had some bottled water, it was ok, well, we had been out walking all afternoon and the water was quite warm, so I decided to tip out my warm bottled water out for some fine Barcelona scheme water.

Big mistake - the water was awful to taste, that's when I noticed the colour, off-white, it appeared to be calcium rich. I couldn't believe it, I just tipped out drinking water and now I have a bottle full of water not fit for drinking, albeit, slightly cooler.

So, I emptied my bottle again.

Now I was really thirsty, apart from a mouthful of foul tasting off-colour water.

When I thought back, I couldn't recall seeing anyone drink from the fountains. Over the next days, I saw people fill up buckets of water for cleaning, people washing their faces but I never saw one person filling up a water bottle or drinking from one.

Learnt that lesson the hard way.

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