Saturday 2 August 2014

Catching up with friends in Berlin

I have been to Berlin maybe half a dozen times, I always enjoy my time there, but I don't go there for the sights. Of course, during the day, I will head out to Unter der Linden, Potsdamer Platz or the Brandenberg Gate to fill the day in as my friends are working.

I was lucky enough to hang with one of my friends from my Turkish diving days. She was hardly changed in that time, her command of the English language is excellent, I still have to concentrate to fully comprehend her thick Eastern German accent, or as explained, the former GDR.

She has done very well for herself, her two young boys are very intelligent, why wouldn't they be, she has a PhD and works at the museum researching marine creatures, her special project has brought government funding to the museum.
I never had the opportunity to meet her husband this time, he was off on an expedition in the Atlantic on a large research vessel searching the ocean depths for life. He had been away seven weeks at this stage, a fair amount of time at sea, I'm not envious of him.

I am neither envious or jealous, I am very happy her life is turning out well. Her husband is not a professor as such as explained by her, he has a PhD himself and works at the museum conducting research. However, he has been granted teneture, I am not sure if he teaches there. I am still a little unsure how the whole German university system works, I know a number of years ago they moved from a domestic to international qualification system. I would love the opportunity to chat with him and his research, I very much respect people working in this area.

For me, meeting up with friends is the holiday, wandering around seeing sights - that just fills the day in.

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